Frequently Asked Questions!
Where are Sherbert Service Dogs trained?
Our dogs are raised and trained by their families alongside our experienced trainers! As our business license currently doesn't allow full time boarding, but we offer day school as an alternative to get a few hours to yourself without a puppy!
Our started service dogs are raised in home by a small team of experienced puppy raises within the Greater Vancouver area, for guidance from our trainers.

What Breeds Can Be a Service Dog?
Any breed of dog can *technically* be a service dog! Although we do often recommend clients look into the following breeds:
Standard Poodles, Labrador Retrievers, Smooth/Rough Collies and Golden Retrievers, but depending on breed experience, allergies and the client's needs I will work with a variety of dog breeds.
Do You Have Sponsorships or Discounts?
Not at this time no, we are a very new program established in late 2023. As well as not being a non-profit, so our prices reflect our trainers time and experience!
We never want finances to be a barrier to the wonders of a well trained service dog, so please reach out to discuss payment plans and fundraising options.
We also offer low cost training via Patreon for only $85 a month
If I Already Have a Dog Will You Work With Me?
The short answer is maybe! There are a lot of factors that go into choosing a service dog candidate, but we do offer assessments for clients who own a dog they wish to train as a service dog. Dogs under the age of 1.5 years of age will be assessed, unfortunately we will not assess dogs older than that due to training time.
How Can I Support Sherbert Service Dogs?
There are several ways to support Sherbert Service Dogs, including making a donation, volunteering your time, and spreading the word about our program. Contact us to learn more about how you can help support our mission.
donate@sherbertservicedogs goes directly yo buy new gear, treats and lessons for our clients, or joining our Patreon tier "buy a biscuit" to help us continue offering low cost training services!
What is the Average Wait Time for a Service Dog from Sherbert Service Dogs?
The wait time for a service dog can vary depending on a variety of factors, including the type of dog and the specific needs of the client. We strive to match our clients with a service dog as quickly as possible, while ensuring that the dog is well-suited to their specific needs and meets our high training standards.
At this time (2025) our wait times for started dogs are 12+ months. Email dogs@sherbertservicedogs.com or sherbertservicedogs@gmail.com for more details.

How Do I Qualify for a Service Dog from Sherbert Service Dogs?
Started puppy "Hudson" 2024
To apply for a service dog from Sherbert Service Dogs, you must have a disability that impacts you life and requires the assistance of a service dog. We also require that our clients be physically and financially able to care for the dog.